New Zealand scientists identify the secret to great tasting pork

New Zealand scientists have unlocked the secret to what makes great tasting pork.

After an innovative eating quality study by AgResearch, which involved a consumer study of 200 participants, we have new insights into what Kiwis are really looking for in their pork.  

The research evaluated the most popular sensory characteristics of pork, with consumers reporting that aroma was the aspect of pork they most enjoy, followed by flavour, tenderness and then juiciness.

The study also examined how factors such as animal gender and muscle pH values impact the eating quality of New Zealand born and raised pork.

Building this better understanding of what creates the pork we enjoy the most will help New Zealand farmers to continually provide top-quality New Zealand pork products.

So, how can you ensure you’re getting the flavour, tenderness and juiciness that makes NZ pork so delicious?

Cooking it correctly is the key

Contrary to what many New Zealanders have been taught, the best way to eat pork is a little bit pink in the middle, much like beef or lamb. This will help get that juicy, tender result that Kiwis have told us they love.

When it comes to steak and chops, just follow the 6+2+2 method to get this perfect result

The 6+2+2 method is simple, easy to remember, and never fails to create succulent, juicy pork in just ten minutes.

Over a medium-high heat, fry your New Zealand pork steaks or chops for six minutes on one side. Flip them over and cook for two minutes on the other side. Then remove from the pan and rest them for two minutes.

When cooked right, pork steaks and chops are incredibly tasty and juicy. Unfortunately, people can be put off purchasing and cooking pork because they’ve had bad experiences with it being overcooked and dry. If this sounds like you, then give the 6+2+2 method a go. You’ll find yourself confident you can cook perfect pork every time.

Check out more on 6+2+2 here

For roasts, check out our roasting time guide here to make sure you’re not overcooking your roast pork. If you’re used to cooking pork well done and are nervous about going for a slight pink in the middle then we’d recommend using a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature has reached 71°C. That way you can be confident it’s cooked to perfection.


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